Monday, October 12, 2009

One Painful Week

So this last week was a very painful one for Charlotte. On Tuesday she was diagnosed with a double ear infection and on Wednesday her first tooth made its appearance. Poor little Charlotte was so miserable. We did take her to the doctor for the ear infections and received her first antibiotic though so her ears have felt progressively better over the week. Her teeth of course continue to bother her though. The last few nights she has woken us up crying due to the pain. Matt now seems to think that Tylenol is the answer for everything. This is not good. :(
On a lighter note, we did travel to Pullman for the weekend to see Muffy and Aaron and their new house. That was a lot of fun. It was a quick weekend but well worth the drive. While there we also got to see Gary and Stefanie, and the Hecker's. Here are a few pictures of Charlotte with her friend Adrian. :)

Charlotte likes to pull hair. :)

1 comment:

  1. Poor baby. Have you tried Hylands teething tablets? I can't tell if they're working for Eli, but my friend said it totally worked for her little boy.
